Sabtu, 06 April 2013

#1 Chill-Its 6665 Evaporative Cooling Vest, Gray, Large Cheapest Price

Best Chill-Its 6665 Evaporative Cooling Vest, Gray, Large For Sale.

  • Evaporative Cooling Vest: Soak in cold water, and enjoy cooling relief and comfort.
  • Quilted nylon outer layer with v-neck and zipper closure
  • Activated, polymer-embedded fabric inside
  • Water-repellent liner and black cotton-poly elastic trim
  • Soak in water for 2-5 minutes to activate; remains hydrated up to 4 hours

Chill-Its 6665 Evaporative Cooling Vest, Gray, Large Reviews:

Buy Chill-Its 6665 Evaporative Cooling Vest, Gray, Large today at best price. Have you read customer review about this Chill-Its 6665 Evaporative Cooling Vest, Gray, Large? You should read our reviews, features and description about Chill-Its 6665 Evaporative Cooling Vest, Gray, Large to help you make a decision today.

Chill-Its 6665 Evaporative Cooling Vest, Gray, Large

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Hot conditions are tough on workers and productivity. The Chill-Its� Evaporative Series provides cooling through evaporation to keep workers comfortable all day long. This cost effective approach helps workers stay cool, fight fatigue, and increase productivity. And they�re reusable � just resoak 'em and you're good to go. Our Chill-Its� Cooling line is the best way to battle heat from the foundry to freeway. Evaporative cooling bandanas, headbands, triangle hats, and hard hat inserts keep cool comfort on tap for hours. No matter what the application, Chill-Its� sees to it that cooler heads prevail.

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Chill-Its 6665 Evaporative Cooling Reviews

9.5 out of 10 based on 42 ratings

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